Eight Affordable and Easy Projects To Do This Summer

easy projects to do

Homeowners don’t have to wait for the official kickoff of the summer season to start a few home improvement projects. And there are plenty of options for DIY enthusiasts who are on a budget. Discover eight affordable and easy projects to do this summer. And some might be even cheaper than you think if you attended one of the recent World Class Home Shows and scored one of the exclusive discounts!

Paint a Room


Painting an entire house can become a massive feat better left to the pros. But why not tackle a room by yourself? Get everyone in the household together. Invest in paint, rollers, paintbrushes and a couple of drop cloths. In just a few hours, you transform the appearance of any room in the house.

Clean the Gutters

It makes sense to hire a pro to examine your gutters at least once a year. But why wait for them to get clogged? Go up and check the gutters yourself. Make sure to have a sturdy ladder and someone to watch it. Clear out twigs, leaves, and gunk to keep the gutters working smoothly.

Lay Down Mulch in the Garden

Want to have the best flower gardens on the block? It takes a lot of weeding and watering to make that happen. Relieve yourself of some of that work by laying down some mulch. You can use wood chips or stuff that’s easy to get, such as leaves and grass clippings.

Check the Deck

Is your deck discolored or is the paint chipping away? Check the deck to see how it looks before you start entertaining everyone this summer. Take the time to seal or paint the deck. This small investment of time and money can save you thousands of dollars in the future. Protecting your deck helps extend its life and avoid major repairs or replacement.

Grab Some Caulk and Go

For less than $10, you can grab some caulk and start making a major difference in the comfort of your home. Look for old window frames, displaced door jams, and other areas where air can get out and drafts will come in. Caulk these spots and start saving on your utility bills. Nobody wants to let air conditioning leak out and heat come in during the hottest days of summer.

Make the Windows Sparkle

Cleaning your windows is another inexpensive home project that instantly gives your house a facelift. After winter and spring weather conditions, the windows are sure to be dirty and covered with streaks. All you need is window cleaner and some tools to reach the higher glass. Check the window and doors to ensure you get all of them. Sparkling windows make your house look well-maintained. Plus, you’ll let in more sunlight so you can turn off the lights and save energy.

Take Care of Pest Control

As the weather gets warmer, we start to spot more unwanted critters around the house and inside it. Remove debris from your yard and get rid of pools of water that attract insects. Find out more about pest control sprays and traps that humanely and cleanly get rid of unwanted guests so you can enjoy lounging around your house and yard this summer.

Get a Lush Lawn

Have you taken care of your grass lately? Make sure to cut the lawn a bit higher than usual and use the clippings to nourish your grass. Water the lawn and get rid of weeds around the edges of your property. Also, look for weeds that pop up in odd spots, such as cracks in the cement. With a little TLC, you can have the lushest lawn on the block.

Want more ideas for your house? Attend one of the upcoming World Class Home Shows. Meet with vendors and contractors, find out about the latest developments in the industry, and get exclusive discounts on your next home projects. See you there!