Six Ways to Learn About DIY Home Renovation Projects

DIY home renovation

Did you just buy a house? Or have you owned a home for years and want to refresh its appearance? But the problem is you don’t know where to start. You would love to save money and tackle a few home improvement projects on your own. Consider six ways to learn about DIY home renovation projects and get great ideas.

Subscribe to Magazines

Visual representations of home improvement projects help you to get inspired. Nothing is more enticing than flipping through the glossy pages of home and garden magazines. And you don’t have to do the projects exactly the way the pros do them. Check out the picture and articles to develop your own creative ideas. Make a list of the projects you can to do and include colors, textures, and supplies you need to make them happen. Check out timeless resources such as “Better Homes and Gardens” to get the inspiration you need to find out more.

Visit Websites

Another wonderful way to see an endless flow of visual representations is to visit home improvement websites. From local contractors to international publications, there are numerous options that give you all kinds of ideas. There are even publications dedicated to certain areas and types of homes. Consider resources such as Martha Stewart, Country Living, and Town and Country. Bookmark or print the pages you want to use for future DIY projects. Create a scrapbook to share with salespeople at home improvement stores and future contractors.

Talk to Contractors

One of the best resources for inspiring home renovation ideas is a contractor. And most contractors offer free estimates along with suggestions to make your house more beautiful and functional. These estimates are usually no-obligation and prove to be a worthwhile learning experience. And consider the estimate carefully. Some contractors don’t mind if you do a portion of the work yourself and hire them for the more difficult aspects of the project. This is a smart way to save money and ensure the projects are completed correctly.

Chat With Other Homeowners

Do you have friends, family members or neighbors with beautiful home? Are many of them often knee-deep in home improvement projects? If you admire a house, ask the homeowner how they did it. Find out about the project details, whether they did it themselves or hired a contractor and the estimated costs. It’s incredible how much you can find out from other DIYselfers.

Watch Television Shows and Videos

Countless people watch television shows and YouTube videos to get step-by-step instructions for DIY home projects. In fact, there are entire television networks dedicated to home improvement, such a the DIY Network and HGTV. Choose from an array of shows focused on everything from buying a tiny house to decorating a big one. And YouTube has many channels to consider, some of them from individuals in-the-know and others from corporations dedicated to home improvement. Make a recording of the shows you want to use for projects in the future.

Attend Home and Garden Shows

Smart homeowners attend local home and garden shows. At the World Class Home Shows, people meet vendors, contractors, and home improvement celebrities and gurus. The latest products and ideas are displayed so homeowners can see them, touch them, and ask questions. With all these resources in one place, homeowners save time and energy on everything from buying fixtures to hiring contractors. And often the vendors offer exclusive discounts you can only score by attending the show!

Make sure to attend an upcoming World Class Home Show to get incredible home improvement ideas. Whether you DIY or hire someone, everything you need is at your fingertips!

Eight Affordable and Easy Projects To Do This Summer

easy projects to do

Homeowners don’t have to wait for the official kickoff of the summer season to start a few home improvement projects. And there are plenty of options for DIY enthusiasts who are on a budget. Discover eight affordable and easy projects to do this summer. And some might be even cheaper than you think if you attended one of the recent World Class Home Shows and scored one of the exclusive discounts!

Paint a Room


Painting an entire house can become a massive feat better left to the pros. But why not tackle a room by yourself? Get everyone in the household together. Invest in paint, rollers, paintbrushes and a couple of drop cloths. In just a few hours, you transform the appearance of any room in the house.

Clean the Gutters

It makes sense to hire a pro to examine your gutters at least once a year. But why wait for them to get clogged? Go up and check the gutters yourself. Make sure to have a sturdy ladder and someone to watch it. Clear out twigs, leaves, and gunk to keep the gutters working smoothly.

Lay Down Mulch in the Garden

Want to have the best flower gardens on the block? It takes a lot of weeding and watering to make that happen. Relieve yourself of some of that work by laying down some mulch. You can use wood chips or stuff that’s easy to get, such as leaves and grass clippings.

Check the Deck

Is your deck discolored or is the paint chipping away? Check the deck to see how it looks before you start entertaining everyone this summer. Take the time to seal or paint the deck. This small investment of time and money can save you thousands of dollars in the future. Protecting your deck helps extend its life and avoid major repairs or replacement.

Grab Some Caulk and Go

For less than $10, you can grab some caulk and start making a major difference in the comfort of your home. Look for old window frames, displaced door jams, and other areas where air can get out and drafts will come in. Caulk these spots and start saving on your utility bills. Nobody wants to let air conditioning leak out and heat come in during the hottest days of summer.

Make the Windows Sparkle

Cleaning your windows is another inexpensive home project that instantly gives your house a facelift. After winter and spring weather conditions, the windows are sure to be dirty and covered with streaks. All you need is window cleaner and some tools to reach the higher glass. Check the window and doors to ensure you get all of them. Sparkling windows make your house look well-maintained. Plus, you’ll let in more sunlight so you can turn off the lights and save energy.

Take Care of Pest Control

As the weather gets warmer, we start to spot more unwanted critters around the house and inside it. Remove debris from your yard and get rid of pools of water that attract insects. Find out more about pest control sprays and traps that humanely and cleanly get rid of unwanted guests so you can enjoy lounging around your house and yard this summer.

Get a Lush Lawn

Have you taken care of your grass lately? Make sure to cut the lawn a bit higher than usual and use the clippings to nourish your grass. Water the lawn and get rid of weeds around the edges of your property. Also, look for weeds that pop up in odd spots, such as cracks in the cement. With a little TLC, you can have the lushest lawn on the block.

Want more ideas for your house? Attend one of the upcoming World Class Home Shows. Meet with vendors and contractors, find out about the latest developments in the industry, and get exclusive discounts on your next home projects. See you there!

What to Expect At The Marin Home & Garden Show

home garden showAttending a home and garden show is fun and practical. It’s not very often those two elements go into the same event! And a local show is a great way to get inspiration and meet contractors who can make your vision a reality. Find out what to expect when you go to the Marin Home & Garden Show in San Rafael.

Meet a Full Range of Vendors


One of the best reasons to attend a home and garden show is the chance to meet a full range of vendors at a single venue. Chat with architects, landscapers, builders, decorators, remodeling pros, and many others. And you don’t have to do an Internet search, make a phone call or email them to get info. All you have to do is attend the Marin Home & Garden Show to have all these key players at your fingertips.

Experience Home Improvement Options Up-Close

Another benefit of attending the Marin Home & Garden Show is experiencing the latest home improvement options up-close. You can touch, see,  hear, and feel some of the greatest advances in home technology. View cutting-edge demonstrations so you can appreciate how they work. And ask questions so you fully understand what they do. Sometimes seeing is believing when it comes to the possibilities to make your home more comfortable and functional.

Prepare for Your Next Home Improvement Project

Vendors are ready to do business and help with your next home improvement project. Take advantage of the chance to gather information quickly and efficiently. In just a couple of hours, you can be well-prepared for your next project. And you will have all the resources and facts to get started rather than spending days or weeks interviewing potential contractors.

Save Money

Besides saving lots of time, you can also save money by attending the Marin Home & Garden Show. Many vendors offer special “show-only” discounts. Only people who attend the show and book services or purchase programs at the show can get these savings. And depending on what you want, you could save a bundle by going to the show. Remember, you only have two days to score these show-specific savings! And you can realize the benefit of saving money on home improvements for years to come.

Enter To Win

Can you imagine winning something wonderful just for attending the Marin Home & Garden Show? All you have to do is be in it to win it! Attendees can enter to win a $2,400 p5 mattress from Sleep Number. Appreciate the softness and improved alignment offered by this amazing bed. The zoned comfort layer gives contouring support so you get a restorative, restful sleep. Simply complete and submit a simple form for a chance to win this comfortable and valuable mattress.

Get the Details

So now that you’re ready to attend this incredible show, get the details about where, when, and how! The Marin Home & Garden Show happens on Saturday, May 19 from 10am to 6pm and Sunday, May 20 from 10am to 5pm. And the Show will be held at the Marin Civic Center at 10 Ave of the Flags in San Rafael. Best of all, the parking and admission are both free! All you need to do is get to the Show to realize all the benefits above and more.

Finally, be ready to gather all the info you need and bring it home. Once you get back after the show, you’ll be on the way to your next impressive home improvement project. And you’ll have the people and savings to get started right away.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

Discover Why You Need to Attend The Marin Home & Garden Show

home garden showThe warm weather brings to mind thoughts of home improvement. With longer days and more visitors, everyone wants to make their homes more inviting. And to stand out from the crowd, you need to discover unique ways to improve your surroundings. Home shows are the ultimate way to get amazing ideas. Discover why you need to attend the upcoming Marin Home & Garden Expo!

Get Inspired


Sometimes all it takes to kick off your next great project is a healthy dose of inspiration. At the Marin Home & Garden Expo, you will interact with a variety of local contractors. View their displays, check out their demonstration, and see the latest in home improvement options. You are sure to discover options you never imagined before attending the show. And best of all, you’ll meet the people who can help you make them a reality in your home.

Feel a Wave of Creativity

Many people have a general idea of what they want but can’t get the vision of the exact specification. This is one of the best reasons to attend a home and garden show. Looking at all the possibilities is sure to give you a fresh wave of creativity. By the time you leave the show, you’ll have a dozen or more ideas to put into action. Make sure to collect business cards and brochures. You may also want to jot down a few of your favorite ideas so you remember them after you go home.

Connect With Industry Professionals

There’s no better way to connect with the top industry professionals than attending a home and garden show. At the Marin Home & Garden Show, you have a golden opportunity to meet many different contractors. From plumbers and roofers to landscapers and decorators, all the best talent will be gathered in one place. It’s a convenient way to get information and find out which contractors fit into your vision and budget. And after the show, you can choose to contact them individually to get more info.

Outdoor Options for Spring and Summer

May is the perfect month to think about outdoor living. Spring and summer bring countless opportunities to entertain at home. Transform your ordinary yard into an extraordinary place for fun in the sun. At the Marin Home & Garden Show, you can explore ways to take your backyard to the next level of enjoyment. Did you ever want an outdoor kitchen or swimming pool? Are you looking for landscape designs complemented by comfortable outdoor furniture? Start to make it happen when you attend the Marin Home & Garden Show.

Remodeling Projects for All Types of Homes

Whether you live in a cottage or a mansion, the home improvement pros at a home and garden show know how to makeover your living space. Sometimes people run out of ways to improve their homes. And often people are busy with the day-to-day routine of working and other responsibilities. Attending a home and garden show is a wonderful way to get time away from it all. Plus, being in another place can help you gain perspective on your house and see it with “fresh” eyes when you go back.

Don’t miss the upcoming Marin Home & Garden Show! You’ll be amazed at all the ways you can turn your home into a dream house. The show takes place on Saturday, May 19, and Sunday, May 20. There will be free parking and admission at the Marin Civic Center in San Rafael. Take a few hours to do something that can benefit you for years to come!

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

Easy Spring Cleaning Tips to Make Your House Look Amazing

Depositphotos_66254549_l-2015It is the time of year that everyone is out of hibernation. Everyone is excited and is ready to come out after months of freezing in the winter. As such, it is also the best time to tend to your gardens, start DIY projects, and most importantly, clean the house and make it look brand new.

All throughout the year, we squirrel away a lot of things. Most especially so in the winter during the holiday gift-giving season. Spring is the best time to get rid of all these garbage and get that renewed vibe and energy in the house. Consider these easy spring cleaning tips to make your house look amazing.

Clean the Toilet without Detergents

Use a teaspoon of baking soda in the toilet. It essentially scrubs the dirt off the toilet bowl. Once done, let it sit for a few minutes and then scrub gently. Rinse and then flush.

An unusual alternative to this is to use soda, preferably cola. Make sure the dog or cat does not get access to the toilet or they will drink it.

Segregate and Designate Spaces

You know how it is difficult to clean because the children are always running around? Designate areas where they can play and then assign areas that are off limits. Include plenty of fun toys and games in the play area to keep the kids entertained while you clean.

No one can get in the off-limits section until you have completed cleaning. Then you need to take an area at a time. This strategy also involves setting priorities. Do you want the kitchen to go first? The bedroom? We suggest that you clean the most frequented areas first.

Throw Your Junk Away

One reason a house looks messy is the clutter. We tend to keep papers, receipts, and boxes that we really do not need, thinking that we may need them later. Well, we won’t. If you have not used something for six months, it is very likely that you will never need it.

Go through all your stuff and determine if you really need everything you have around. Go through your closets and throw those clothes that you have never used in a long time. Scour the kitchen and sell those pots and pans and those devices like juicers and coffee brewers that you bought on impulse but never use. If items are usable, donate them to a local charity or list them for sale on sites such as eBay.

Involve Your Whole Family


While you are searching for clutter around, the house, why not involve everybody? Assign tasks to each member and set goals. Have snacks at regular intervals and go through the items each person found that he wants to throw away or sell. It is going to be fun when everybody contributes.

And if people sell enough items, use the proceeds to have a fun day together. Plan a day trip or even a mini-vacation. This inspires everyone to get rid of stuff they really don’t use or need.

Keep the Floor Empty

Only your furniture should touch the floor. This means that notebooks, toys, and all other stuff must go. Keep them in drawers. Organize them. Stack them.

The floor is a walking space and only your cabinets, TV sets, sofas, and closets should touch the floor. You will be amazed at how clean the house will look like once you accomplished this. The house will also look bigger because there is more space.

Keep Two Mats to Maintain Cleanliness

The idea is to keep two mats so everyone can rub their shoes twice. Keep one outside the house. This will pretty much rub off most of the dirt on people’s shoes.

Then keep one inside. This serves as a second pass before a person finally enters the house. Having two mats helps keep dirt off better than just having one.

A few simple spring cleaning tips keep your home looking good as the summer traffic increases. Once the house is clean, visit one of our Home Improvement Shows to get great decorating and renovating ideas! Chat with the vendors, enter contests, and screen potential service people all in one convenient place! Check out the California Home and Garden Show in San Jose, California on April 20, 21, and 22.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

Top Reasons to Attend the California Home & Garden Show

california home and garden

Home and garden shows are exciting events. It is that one time where the entire family can go visit a show and make a family decision. Renovating the living room, for example, becomes a family experience. It is also an ideal experience for couples, seniors, and singles who want easy access to a variety of vendors and services in one place. Experience the benefits of attending the California Home & Garden Show, which is now rescheduled for April 20, 21, and 22, 2018. And there’s free admission and parking!

It is Perfect for the Busy Homeowner


We are all busy. Our typical day starts in the office then we go home tired. We don’t have the time to visit multiple stores looking for the best home décor or garden equipment. And searching for contractors and interviewing them can take weeks.

Going to the California Home & Garden Show will save you time. A lot of known brands will be there to showcase their new products. It’s a one-stop shop and with many products and services in one place so you can discover the latest and greatest items to add to your home. In addition, new players in the industry will be there to display the latest innovations so you can see them firsthand.

Reach Out and Touch Them

Another reason to attend the show is to see the products in-person and touch them. When you look for home improvement products and services online, you are just getting photos and videos. There is nothing like being able to see, feel, and discuss what you want.

Make informed decisions and see whether the products are suitable for your future renovation projects. You can easily compare them with competing brands and talk to the vendors about them to get all the facts.

You Can Save Money

People attending the California Home & Garden Show can find the best deals. Companies will offer special discounts and offers to show attendees only. These deals are often exclusive to the show and you will never find these deals anywhere.

It is a golden opportunity to comparison shop for everything from a new roof or windows to a hot tub in your backyard. The admission is free and you can save significantly by attending this show!

You Talk Directly to Contractors

It can be challenging look for contractors and contact each of them individually for information and quotes. At a home and garden show, contractors show their work and discuss your unique needs so you have a general idea of what they can do.

Plus, contractors are at the show for the sole purpose of talking to attendees about their projects and visions. If you contact their office, they might be on another job that takes hours. Attending the show means you can talk to them right away.

Home and Garden Shows Are Fun

Best of all, the California Home & Garden Show is fun! You will be focusing what you need for the house while you have a good time. Meet local celebrities and enjoy a day spent considering the possibilities for your home.

And remember to enter to win a $2,400 p5 Mattress from Sleep Number. It has a zoned comfort layer for contoured support and restful sleep. You could be the winner of this fabulous mattress! Click here to download the form. And now all you have to do is put the California Home & Garden Show on your calendar. Remember it will be held at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds on April 20, 21, and 22, so head to San Jose for a wonderful day!

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

Five Top Home Renovation Projects to Tackle for Spring

home renovation projectsRemodeling a house, or parts of it, from March to June is a good idea. However, be in the know that projects at this time of the year are also costly because this is the busiest season for builders. Spring is traditionally the best time to rebuild and remodel homes. It is a period when people are coming out of winter hibernation and are ready to get more active. If you are excited to have a project this spring, read through our five recommendations below.

Paint the Walls

Painting is one of the simpler home renovation projects for starters. It is a cost-effective way to improve the appearance of your house. Though it is labor intensive, the process is simple.

If your walls are still in good condition, you may just need to put a single coat on it. Otherwise, you need to scrape the old paint and apply wall putty on uneven surfaces before you can put a coat.

Painting is a good project to make your home look fresh. Or darker, if you prefer. Choose your colors carefully and make sure that they will match the overall look and theme of your house.

Kitchen Improvement

Remodeling a kitchen can be as simple as repainting the wall or can be as complicated as building a countertop, a bar, or repositioning your sink and building more cabinets. Make sure to involve plumbers if the renovation includes redoing the sink or anything that has a plumbing system in it.

Change Flooring

Flooring is a little complicated and will take some time to finish. You can either put a carpet, change the existing one, or change the flooring into hardwood. A flooring project is also labor intensive as you have to move out all appliances and furniture. But once done, the overall look and appearance of your house will change.

If you want beautiful endurance, hardwood flooring is the best choice. Carpets absorb dust, soot, and moist. Over time, carpets are breeding grounds for bacteria, which can be irritating for people with allergies. Rugs tend to be difficult to maintain if you have children or pets.

Add a Room

Some houses have rooms or areas large enough to be split. Either you can add a bedroom if your family has grown or perhaps you can create yourself an office or study room. Building a room is also a complex project that will require lots of expertise. However, once the project is done, you will be amazed at how the house has changed.

If you have kids, it may very well suit you to add a playroom. Enjoy a place away from the other living areas where you can keep all of you children’s toys. The kids play in their fun domain, and you can design the room to be childproof. Put foam on corners and edges. Be creative, and you can turn it into a small playground.

Build a Shed

If you have an open backyard, why not build a tool shed? This tool shed can also be an alternative to a basement if you do not have one. You can store many things here that you no longer need I your house, but you do not want to discard. You can place your hardware tools here, or your old clothes that you still want to keep.

The best way to get ideas for these and countless other home renovation projects is to attend an upcoming World Class Home Improvement Show. Plan to go to the California Home & Garden Show on April 20, 21, and 22 at the Santa Clara County Fairgrounds. You don’t want to miss it!

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

How to Make the Most of Attending World Class Home Shows

world class homeAttending a home show can be both exciting and intimidating. The venue is always massive and full of countless experts promoting a wide variety of products and services. While the experience may seem daunting it doesn’t need to be that way. Here are some tips to make the most of attending a World Class Home Show, so when you leave you will be armed with valuable and useful information.

Narrow Down Your Project Scope

Have a plan going in about what you are interested in seeing and learning more about. Your plan can be extremely precise, such as you want to look at faucets for your half bath or carpeting for your finished basement. Your plan can also be a bit loser and undefined. For instance, maybe you want to hardscape your backyard, but you don’t know where to start. Just identifying the area and the type of work that needs to happen can give you a great starting point.

Do Your Homework

Conduct some research around the projects you are interested in accomplishing ahead of time. Having an idea of the process, materials and cost will give you a better understanding when you are at the home show and talking to professionals. Educating yourself prior to the show ensures you will be able to spot a good deal when you see one.

Keep an Open Mind

Home shows are an amazing resource for inspiration. Going in with a somewhat defined or vague plan can help guide you, but be open to change. The projects you think are priorities when you arrive may not be as important when you walk the show and talk to vendors. Many exhibitors offer great deals, so if you find a steal of a deal for a service or product that you initially felt was a low priority it may be worth shifting your projects.

Round-Up Data

Before heading out to the home show take some notes about your home or the property you are renovating. Take measurements and write down other useful info, so when you are speaking to a vendor you can give them information that will enable them to help guide you. Figure out the overall square footage and break it down by room, especially if you plan to address the flooring. Measure doors and windows and make note of the roofing material and approximate age. Track your typical gas, electric and water bills.

Even if you think something may be irrelevant, write it down anyway. Having all of this information handy ensures you will be able to answer questions and find the right products or services for your project.

Map Out Your Route

When you arrive at a home show it can be tempting to jump right in and start walking the floor. Instead, find a guide or map and take a moment to check it out. Based on the projects you have in mind see which vendors are exhibiting and where the booths you want to visit are located. Map out the route you will walk to ensure you see all of the vendors you want to visit. Home shows are big and spread out, so having a plan can save you the hassle of walking around aimlessly and make the best use of your time.

Take Notes

Bring a notebook and a pen or be prepared to take notes on your phone or a tablet. Whichever method is easier and more comfortable for you, but have a way to track information you receive. Write down things you see that you like, as well as things you don’t like, or topics you need to learn more about before making a decision. Jot down the names and contact info of people you speak with or use your phone to get pictures of business cards. Make sure to get contractor license numbers when appropriate.

Snap photos of displays or products to help document everything you learn. You will likely talk to a lot of people during a day spent at a home show, so taking notes will help you stay organized and make informed decisions later.

Get Ready

Put these tips to use and you will certainly be able to make the most of your World Class Home Shows experience. The whole point of the show is to be inspired and learn about the options available, but doing a bit of prep work ahead of time and going in organized will help. Home shows are a lot of fun and when you use these tips the experience can be informative and incredibly useful, too.

To find out about the latest event and get ticket info, visit World Class Shows today!

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Exciting Things to Look for at The Desert Living Home Show

desert livingThe Desert Living Home Show is bursting with activity and excitement. A wide range of products and services to beautify and simplify your home and your life are on display. Home shows are an opportunity to see samples and materials and talk the to experts to learn more and make the best decision for your home, lifestyle and budget. With so much to see it can be hard to know where to start, but here are the exciting things to look for at the 2018 Desert Living Home Show.

See the Latest Trends

The Desert Living Home Show features a round up of leading manufacturers and many of the latest and trendiest products. Some trends are instant classics that will stick around for many years, while other trends just may be unappealing to you. Seeing the styles and materials that are deemed the next big thing in person makes it easy to decide which trends will work in your home and which trends you want to pass on.

Get Your Home Ready for Market

Renovating your home can increase the value if you plan to sell. When preparing your home for sale look for renovations and improvements that increase value either by improving the functionality or flow of a space. Energy efficiency improvements lower utility bills, which can be very appealing to prospective buyers. Choose finishings that are on trend or classic. Dated finishings can make a home look old and run down and have a negative impact the sale price.

Make Your Home Perfect for You and Your Family

Improvements can make your home fit your personal style and increase function. If you plan to enjoy your home for some time taking the steps to make it fit your preferences can make the experience of living there so much more enjoyable. The Desert Living Home Show is an opportunity to see the available options. Go in with a plan, even if it’s somewhat vague, about what improvements you want to make and find solutions that fit your style and budget.

Talk to Professionals

Maybe you have an idea of the project you want to take on, but you have questions. Maybe you have no idea where to even start. In either case the Desert Living Home Show is the place to get the answers you need. Talk through a project with trained professionals to gain a better understanding.

Meet Contractors

Finding the right contractor is a challenge, and for many people this process can be intimidating. The Desert Home Living Show simplifies the entire experience. Meet a variety of contractors, get to know them and ask them questions. Learn how they work, ask questions specific to your project and find out what sort of experiences they have had working on similar projects. Request quotes and find out how their services fit into your budget. Also make sure to ask for their license number, so you can do a background check and confirm they are a legit professional. The ability to meet and talk to contracts allows you to decide which professional is the right fit for your job.

See Samples

From interactive exhibits to swatch books and sample boards you can easily fill a day looking at all of the displays at the Desert Living Home Show. Seeing items and materials in person can help you understand and ultimately make a decision.

Stay Organized

Home shows can be overwhelming. Going in organized can help you make the most of your home show experience and ensure you see everything you want to see. Before you arrive think about the project you want to possible undertake. Bring a notebook and pen to take notes, or be prepared to take notes on your phone or a tablet. You want to track quotes, contractor information and questions as they come to you. Make sure to also write down the answers to your questions as they are received, in case you forget.

Win Prizes

To make the home show an even better experience try your luck and sign up to win great prizes. From gadgets to products and services a variety of items are available through different raffles. See each entry for the rules to enter and good luck!

See You There

See everything there is to see at the Desert Living Home Show over the course of three days from February 23rd to February 25th, 2018. The event is held at the Palm Springs Convention Center and focuses on interior design, home improvement, outdoor living design and products and more.

Thank you for reading our blog! How can we help you? Contact us today.

Get New Year Home Reno Ideas at the Silicon Valley Home Show

home reno ideasFind inspiration or get serious about planning a remodel or renovation project by attending the Silicon Valley Home Show. The 2018 edition of the show is poised to showcase a variety of vendors and products from leading exhibitors. The entire focus of the show is on home improvement. Whether you simply want to find ideas or if you are scoping out vendors get New Year home reno ideas at the Silicon Valley Home Show.

Services Available

The Silicon Valley Home Show features a variety of exhibitors, including professionals in the area of energy survey services, air purification, basement systems, flooring, closet organizers, window dressing, furniture, appliances, garages and garage doors, HVAC systems, cabinetry and countertops. In terms of exterior projects there are also experts in the areas of landscaping services, garden equipment, pavers, pools, spas, roofing, siding, concrete and custom and modular builders.

Endless Inspiration

With so much to see at the Silicon Valley Home Show you will be sure to find ideas and inspiration. If you have a specific project in mind the show is a great place to learn more and see what options are available. If you don’t have something specific in mind the show is a great place to see new products, trends and technologies. Find inspiration and learn how to make your home stunning, functional and safe.

Focus on Your Projects

The Silicon Valley Home Show is so large is can be easy to get caught up in the variety of exhibitors and everything they have to offer. Going in with a plan, even if it is a tentative plan, can help you navigate the aisles and find what you are looking for. Keep an open mind, because sometimes the greatest inspiration and the best deals turn up where you least expect to find them.

DIY or Hire Out

The showcase provides a unique opportunity to talk through renovation and remodel projects with a variety of professionals. Learn the ins and outs and see what options are available to help you decide where to take your projects. Whether you are a do-it-yourself type or looking to bring in the pros you will be sure to find what you need and learn along the way when you attend the Silicon Valley Home Show.

Meet Professionals

As you walk the home show you will see a wide range of vendors explaining the products or services they provide. This is a great opportunity to ask questions and learn from the pros. The staff on hand can explain the techniques, materials and benefits of the goods or services they offer. Discussing the options available with people who have a solid understanding makes it possible for you to develop a greater understanding of what your project would entail.

Quote Jobs

Get an idea of the expense to undertake your project by attending the Silicon Valley Home Show. A major perk of the show is you can discuss quotes with vendors, so if you have questions about how jobs are quoted you can get answers on the spot. The format of the show makes it easy to comparison shop, too. Speaking to different vendors about your project over the course of the show enables you to decide which vendor is the best fit.

Save Money

Many exhibitors offer deals or discounts at the show. Often these deals are only available to customers who book consultations or agree to a purchase at the show, so you need to be there to land these deals. The discounts can be substantial and can really help your budget. In some instances the deals can be so great you can secure higher quality products or services that would normally be beyond your budget.

Test Your Luck

While attending the Silicon Valley Home Show sign up to win some exciting prizes. From gadgets to renovation work a variety of prizes will be offered. You need to be there to find out what prizes are available and make sure to see each contest for rules and regulations.

The Details

The Silicon Valley Home Show is a three day event held twice a year. The show is presented by World Class Shows and has been held each year since 1983. The next show will be held on Friday, January 19, 2018 through Sunday, January 21, 2018 at the Santa Clara Convention Center.

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